Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Truth About Your Baby Powder

When I went to the Mompreneur Summit to pick-up the products I ordered at Tiny Buds, I got intrigued with the display at their booth. They showed Tiny Buds Baby Rice Powder poured on top of a glass with water. What amazes me is that the powder do not mix with the water at all. It really does repel water!

So I did the same experiment at home not only with Tiny Buds but also using another famous baby powder brand. Just to check if both repels water just the same. The first video uses another baby powder brand while the second one uses Tiny Buds Baby Rice Powder. Here's what I found out:

The one on the right side of the picture uses another famous powder brand. As soon as I pour the powder on top of the water, a lot of the grains were absorbed immediately. You can see that the water was not clear and some of the powder residue were at the bottom of the glass.

Amazingly, Tiny Buds Baby Rice Powder remained on top of the water! You can see on the left side of the picture that the water is still clear and no powder were absorbed.

I can safely assume that Tiny Buds Baby Rice Powder is better to protect your kids from sweat as it repels water really well. Add to that the fact that it does not contain talc harmful to your kids lungs. I'm really glad I found this product.

Here are more pictures from the experiment:

Going Natural with Tiny Buds

I recently posted an article about Tiny Buds Rice Baby Powder a few weeks back and mentioned that I wish I can offer it at Baby Store and More because I believe in the product so much. Well good thing I came across their FB Page and learned about their Mommy Power Club. Members can avail of Tiny Buds products at a discounted price as long as they meet the minimum purchase requirements. They also gave free samplers of all Tiny Buds products! SWEET!

So for parents out there who would like to give the best and safest baby products for your little ones, head over at my online store Baby Store and More and look for the Tiny Buds Product Listings. I offer the following as of the moment:

Tiny Buds Rice Baby Powder - A premium quality baby powder made from 100% real rice grains. This biodegradable and hypoallergenic baby powder is completely free from harmful talc and other chemicals.

Hypoallergenic, Biodegradable, 100% Talc-Free, 100% Real Rice Grains

Tiny Buds Rice Baby Powder 50g - P99

Tiny Buds Hand Sanitizer - Food-safe ingredients; Safe for kids;  Fruit alcohol extract thus w/o irritating alcohol smell
Tiny Buds Hand Sanitizer 65ml - P68
Tiny Buds Bottle and Utensil Wash - A mild natural cleaner specially formulated to keep baby safe from harmful chemicals.
•  Food-safe Ingredients
• Biodegradable
• Non-toxic
• No harsh chemicals
• No artificial color
• Paraben-free
Tiny Buds Bottle and Utensil Wash 500ml - P259
Tiny Buds Bottle and Utensil Wash Refill Pouch 350ml - P179

Tiny Buds Bottle and Utensil Wash 1 Week Pack 128ml - P78


Friday, September 14, 2012

Mikeila's Trip at the Dentist

I wanted to share what I learned from Mikeila's dentist yesterday. We went to the  Pediatric Dentistry Center of the Philippines along Banawe Ave to have her teeth checked. Mikeila unfortunately was diagnosed with tooth decay on several of her teeth. This maybe the reason why she has poor appetite lately. It can also leave to swelling and infections when left untreated.

We were given 2 options by Dra. Lopez. To take the teeth out and wait for the permanent teeth to come in or to treat the pulp of her teeth and hold on to it as much as we could. This treatment is called pulpotomy or root canal for kids.

We have to weigh the pros and cons of the two options before deciding:
  • Baby teeth holds the space for the permanent teeth so taking the tooth out especially the molar can cause crowding once the permanent teeth comes in.  
  • Baby teeth will be replaced starting age 7 to 11. Mikeila is only 2. Those years without teeth may affect the kid's self esteem once she goes to school.
  • On the other hand,  having a pulp treatment can save her teeth for many years but she needs to be sedated in order that she would not feel the pain of the operation. The dentist said that this is completely safe but we still have our apprehensions because the baby will feel nauseated and groggy the whole day of the operation.
After discussing with hubby Raffy, we decided to take the pulp treatment since saving her teeth is more important to us. The doctor reminded us that even after the treatment, it is still important to change our routine so as to prevent the damage from coming back.

Here are the tips our dentist taught us to prevent tooth decay from coming back.
  • Always brush your kid's teeth before going to bed using a toothpaste with 1,000ppm of flouride. Colgate and Floucaril are the brands we use. Do not gargle with water so that the teeth will be left protected with flouride.
  • Make sure not to give them milk after brushing. Now this is where our mistake is. We always brush Mikeila's teeth, but we can't resist to give her milk if she asks for it. The milk residue will stay at their teeth the whole night thus causing tooth decay. What we do now is we give her milk before brushing so that she won't ask for it after
  • If she eats cookies, candies as snacks, make sure to give her lots of water after in order to wash out the sugar from this treats.
  • Always visit your trusted pedia dentist regularly to have your kid's teeth checked. You may start when she reached one year old. You may check out Dra. Fina Lopez of the Pediatric Dentistry Center of the Philippines (see contact details below). She's so nice and was able to explain everything to us.
There you go. Hope these tips will help you prevent your kids from having tooth decay and not suffer what Mikeila's undergoing right now. I hope her treatment will run smoothly and we'll have her teeth healthy again. Will let you know her progress soon.

Pediatric Dentistry Center of the Philippines
5/F Medical Arts Building
Dr. Fe Del Mundo Medical Center
11 Banawe cor Cardiz Sts., Quezon City
Tel # 740-7728

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tiny Buds Rice Baby Powder

My husband's family has a history of asthma so I am very careful with the products I use for Mikeila. I did not put powder on her until she turned one but I apply only at her back, armpit and a little at her chest. As I was having my usual grocery, I came across Tiny Buds Rice Baby Powder. It is made from 100% real rice grain and absolutely talc-free! This is just what Mikeila needed.

My baby's been using it for a couple of months now and we both love it. The fragrance is just right and since it is made of rice grains, it repels water which allows sweat to evaporate naturally keeping the child's skin fresh and dry from perspiration. It is also biodegradable and hypoallergenic.

I also learned that Tiny Buds has other natural baby products like baby bottle cleanser, hand sanitizer and baby wipes among others. I'll try to buy them and post a review here. Who knows, maybe I can offer it at my online store soon?